If you’re considering Ladel’s Day Nursery as your childcare setting of choice, we welcome you to book an appointment to view the nursery, so that we can discuss your child’s needs in more detail.

The visit can also give you an insight into the activities and features of our private day nursery and what your child can expect to experience when they join us.

Please contact the nursery manager to arrange a convenient time.

Once you’ve been to have a look around our nursery and we’ve answered all your questions, it’s time to register your child’s place with us.

Registering your child

A complete registration form is available from the nursery or online here.  Once completed, please contact the nursery manager to arrange an initial registration appointment, during which your child’s details for admission will be confirmed. You will also be asked to bring along your child’s red/blue Health Record Book.

On registration of your child into Ladel’s Day Nursery, you will be required to pay a registration fee of £50.00, plus a deposit of one week’s fee. This will guarantee your child a place on the nursery waiting list. Please note that this registration fee is non-refundable. The deposit will work out for the child’s last week at the nursery. The nursery therefore requires two weeks’ notice in order for you to receive your deposit.

Online Registration

Settling in

At Ladel’s Day Nursery, our experienced staff work in partnership with parents/carers to ensure that each child settles into the nursery smoothly, and as gently as possible. Our aim is to welcome the family into our homely, caring and stimulating environment and to have a sense of belonging.

We recognise that this can also be a difficult time for parents/carers. Therefore our staff members are there to support and reassure parents/carers. Children are very individual, so we therefore have a flexible approach to ‘settling in’! Please speak to a manager regarding your preferences for your child.

Nursery fees and funding

The Government offer funding to help with any payments for childcare. As an approved childcare provider, if you meet the eligibility criteria you can claim for funding at Ladel’s Day Nursery.

For further official information on whether you’re eligible for 30 hours of free childcare, please click here for the official Government website.

The Government also offer various other schemes to help you ensure your children are cared for whilst you work. For a great article that details everything you need to know about free childcare for children ages two, three and four, please click here.

Our policies and procedures


Every child benefits from an organized outing whether it is to the park, shops or a specific outing, using public transport or hired coach. Outings will be planned to ensure that safety of the children is paramount.

In order for children to benefit fully from the outings, staff will be aware and have the knowledge of the local area. We may need to charge a minimal fee for certain outings. You will be informed about this in advance. An outing permission form will be issued prior to these trips.


If your child shows signs of illnesses, i.e. diarrhoea, vomiting and/or has a temperature, they should be kept at home. Please check with your doctor in the case of doubtful rash or discharge from the eyes in case of infection. Should your child become ill whilst at the nursery, you will be contacted immediately. Further information on sickness policies is available at the nursery.


We will happily administer prescribed medicines, subject to your authorizing signature on our Medication Form. Further information on medication policies is available at the nursery.

Sun hats/ sun cream

We require your child to attend nursery with an appropriate sun hat and sun cream, both labelled with your child’s name. You will be asked to sign the appropriate forms to authorize us to apply sun cream to your child.


Positive behaviour will be encouraged amongst the children, such as co‐operative play, sharing, respecting each other and taking turns. If a child is acting disruptively, he/she would be told of their unwanted behaviour. The child would then be removed from the situation, giving them an activity more suitable to their development.

Children who have a limited play experience and find it difficult to relate to other children will be given a one‐to‐one with their assigned key worker until he/she is able to adjust.

Parent day/evening

Parent day will be held twice per year when parents can discuss their child’s report and development progress.

Staff training

The nursery will be closed one day per year for staff training.


Parents are welcome to provide a cake for the celebration, during snack/tea time (please avoid cakes and snacks that contains nuts). Please liaise with the staff in advance.

Complaints procedure

Method of dealing with the complaint:
  • Parents, carers, other individuals make a complaint
  • A complaint form will be filled in
  • An investigation will be carried out
  • Action taken if possible

Feedback is given to the complainant within twenty eight (28) days of complaint.

If you feel that we have not satisfactory dealt with the complaint, you may contact the OFSTED helpline on Tel: 0300 123 1231

Address to write to:
National Business Unit
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD

Or by email: enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk

And an inspector will help us resolve the problem.

More policies are available at the nursery.

Contact us today!

07782 128 568
